3 Reasons Why Your Cat is Eating Cat Litter!

Are you a new cat owner or even a seasoned one and have just noticed that your cat might be eating cat litter, and that has got you worried?

I want to say worry not, because I am here to help you but I have to say you should keep an eye on your cat cause it might actually be dangerous.

There can be many reasons for a cat to eat the cat litter, and we will discuss them all one by one.

Remember, If you are using clumping litter and notice your cat eating it, change it immediately and take your cat to a vet.

Clumping cat litter, becomes hard when it comes in contact with moisture, so when your cat eats it and digests it, after which it will turn hard and cause blockage inside. It will become a serious health issue for your cat.

Mostly when a cat starts eating cat litter, it is almost always a health issue, which is why it is always a good idea to take the cat to a vet to find the underlying issue.

Below we have mentioned three of the most common causes why a cat will choose to eat cat litter.

3 Reasons Why Your Cat is Eating Cat Litter


Anemia is when your cat has less red blood cells then what is required to transfer oxygen throughout. So when they become anemic there natural ability of taking in oxygen and then transferring it to the whole body becomes comprised causing lack of energy and focus for them.

In this stage, confused cats try to eat cat litter in hopes of getting better. If eating of cat litter is mixed with some of these symptoms you should head over to your vet as soon as possible.

  • Pale skin is the first symptom you should notice if whether your cat can have anemia.
  • You can check for pale skin by looking at the gums of the cat. If they are white rather than the natural pink, it can be a sign of anemia.
  • Anemia also causes laziness, so if your cat is suddenly not as active as usual, note it down too.

If your cat is showing these signs along with them eating litter, you should book a appointment soon with your vet and take him as soon as possible.

If you want to learn more about anemia, here is a good PetMD article.

Trying to make up for loss of vitamins

If your cat is suffering from mineral and vitamin deficiencies, the cat will try to get those minerals from trying new things and this can be a reason why your cat is eating cat litter.

lazy cat

If you are using natural clay litter, it is rich in minerals and thus your cat might be trying it out as a experiment to feel better. If you see her doing it, stop her and remove any litter from the mouth. Talk to your vet and ask if mineral deficiency could be a issue with your cat.


Every animal, like humans is different . Some are well behaved, some are angered easily and some stick there tongue on ice and get stuck. Same goes with the cats.

They are curious, about the taste and are curious enough to try it. It is possible, if maybe cat is getting a scent from the litter, or you changed the litter in recent times and it has peaked its attention.

If it does not happen often, you should not think too much about it. If the habit continues, stop your cat and take her to vet for proper consultation.

Your cat eating cat litter is mostly harmless, but if you notice your cat behavior change along with other symptoms, it can be a serious underlying issue that needs to be checked.